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Keep Flies Away From Your Next Cookout.
We made our fly trap twice as big as those from major retailers so you can set it up and stop flies swarming for twice as long.
Flies lose their minds for the bait we put inside so they stop bothering your guests!
14 Day Money Back Guarantee
Keep Flies Away From Your Next Cookout.
We made our fly trap twice as big as those from major retailers so you can set it up and stop flies swarming for twice as long.
Flies lose their minds for the bait we put inside so they stop bothering your guests!
Keep Flies Away From Your Next Cookout.
We made our fly trap twice as big as those from major retailers so you can set it up and stop flies swarming for twice as long.
Flies lose their minds for the bait we put inside so they stop bothering your guests!
14 Day Money Back Guarantee
Keep Flies Away From Your Next Cookout.
We made our fly trap twice as big as those from major retailers so you can set it up and stop flies swarming for twice as long.
Flies lose their minds for the bait we put inside so they stop bothering your guests!